Monday, April 20, 2009

Officially Introducing...

After much deliberation (and anxiety on my part...) we are proud to officially introduce Gibson Ralph Brandley. The hospital has been called, it is on the birth certificate, it is done. After all that has happened over the last 5 days I'm wondering now why I had such a hard time just picking, but I believe we've made a good choice. Anyway I thought I would put up a couple more pictures and just let the world know how much easier number 2 is. Don't get me wrong there are still sore nipples and sleepless nights, oh and no one warned me about the after pains with number two, although my Sister claims she did... Anyway he is such a good baby and we are thrilled to have him in our family!

Don't mind the retarded look on my face, I thought Jonas was funny!

Thanks again Grandma! You were a lifesaver and Jonas had a blast with you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

IT'S A BOY!! And What A Boy!!

Hooray, this is just a quick little note to say, I'M A DAD again!! Our "little" one was born today at 2ish in the afternoon, weighing in at 9 lbs 3 ounces and 20.5" long. He's a big boy, and he's got a great set of lungs. We're excited. Still no name though.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Surprise Visitor...

Nope, sorry no baby yet, hope I didn't get your hopes up. Believe me I would be most ecstatic if that were the case, but despite the Elliptical on Wednesday, multiple walks for Wyatt, spicy Ichiban on Friday, some unmentionable things that are supposed to work, and off-roading with Matt this morning... So far no luck. But Jonas received a special visitor this afternoon, or in other words, Mom and Dad decided the Easter Bunny was coming a day early. We are debating making this an on going thing, that way on Sunday we can focus more on Churchy things. We'll see if we keep it up that way or not, but this year I think it will be good. Anyway, we waited til after Jonas woke up from his nap and then we sent him out with a bucket and a dream. The best part was at the end when he found his basket and all he cared about were the cars in it. He had no desire for any of the candy, it was funny! Anyway, here are just a couple pictures!
He lined all his "Easter" cars up on the window sill, but would not include the two from Grandma Reggie and Papa John that he got this morning while we had breakfast with Papa John. I guess because they weren't in the basket they didn't count. He does love them though, thanks again, Grandma and Papa!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Date has been Set!

Although I am going to try really hard to have this baby before that date. The Doctor gave me the option of being induced if I haven't had the baby by April 15th. I think I would just let nature take it's course but Matt has a job fair in Vegas that we think could be very beneficial to him finding a job when he graduates. So for all you out there who think I'm wimpy for getting induced I promise it is not only for the reason that I am sick of being pregnant. Jobs are going to be hard enough to find, so hopefully Matt deserting me and a brand new baby for a few days will make things a little more hopeful on the job front. Anyway we had a lovely weekend together watching conference and just hanging out as a family, surprisingly watching 8 hours of talks, playing with Jonas and snuggling with me, Matt was able to get all of his projects done, which means this week is not as crazy and stressful as he thought it would be. Hooray! he has one test left and then he's home free, which means I can have this baby anytime. Yay! Here are just a couple pictures from this weekend. Hopefully my next post will include a tiny bundle of blue and sweetness!
When the new baby comes, it'll be nice to know that Jonas still has a friend to hang out with.

We took one last quick trip to Idaho Falls for a couple last minute items. Jonas had a blast at the mall. I wish I would've taken a picture of him in Old Navy. If anyone has seen their most recent display, it's a bunch of creepy mannequins, and Jonas felt the need to give each one a hug before we left the store, especially the little girl that was just his size. I think she got 4 or 5 hugs.

We got a surprise phone call on Saturday morning. Papa John was trucking through town and so we went and met him for Breakfast. Thanks for the awesome book and for letting Jonas drive the truck!

Jonas gave him so many hugs! He loves his Papa John.

Sunday we took a walk to see the new calves, Jonas sat there for a good 1/2 hour mooing and saying "baby", over and over.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just a quick update...

Nothing is happening yet. I am miserable and tired, and more tired of being pregnant than I ever remember being with Jonas. Oh well that is life, we are trying to stay busy and active, (I hear it might help...) also the Doctor has an ultrasound scheduled for monday so they can see if this guy is going to be a big fatty or not. If he is I may get induced but if he's not, then I think it will just be more waiting. Let all just hope I go into labor this week and then we'll never have to worry about it! Right? Sorry there are no pictures, apparently we forgot we even owned a camera. Anyway here's to hoping for a baby soon... like today. Maybe not today. How about tomorrow.
P.S. I thought about doing a fake post considering it is April 1st but it would've been just a little cliche, I think so anyway...