Friday, May 27, 2011

August's Journey!

On Thursday, May 19, we were this family...

On Friday, May 20, We became this family...

This is how we got there...
P.S. This is a birth story so feel free to skip it if you don't want to know all the gory details!

Well once again my blood pressure decided to not cooperate, so instead of going into labor on my own and having a June baby, I was induced, and had a May baby.  Which is fine.  We love August and that's all that matters.

Anyway we were set to arrive at the Hospital at 7:30am, so we shipped the boys off to Grandmas and Grandpas for a sleepover.  When we arrived the next morning they got us all checked in and ready to go.  At 8:30 The nurse broke my water, and we waited.  Nothing happened.  So at 1:30, they started the pitocin, and gave me my epidural... (P.S. What a mean Anesthesiologist!)
  Then we waited some more...  By about 4:00 I was ready to start pushing!  Hooray, Because my epidural was not doing it's job!
At 4:30 August made his debut... Weighing in at 8lbs 5oz and 18 inches long.  We love every bit of him!

Anyway, the rest of this story is better told by the sweet pictures done by my dear friend Camille...  Enjoy!

 "You know what music is?
God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars."


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Some people might say he's being neglected...

And truth be told, it might be a little true, what with recent birthdays, weddings, preparations for the baby.  But I think the world needs to know what this kid has been up to the last few months, before this blog becomes over run with pictures of the new tiny little guy...
For the past few months, Jonas has been a part of a little Joy School thing that we did with a few other girls in our ward, and let me tell you he LOVED it!  Today was officially his last day which is sad, but he has actual preschool to look forward to in September.  All of his prayers currently end with, "and bless that we can go to church and school...".  A couple weeks ago they got to go on a field trip to the fire station, also a big hit!

Since he started Sunbeams at church this year, we've also had the first time things such as his giving the scripture and prayer, and his first talk.  (He nailed it, BTW.)  After a couple of months of him kicking and screaming, he decided he loves his Sunbeams class and can't wait to go!

Here are just a few more pictures of him.  I can't believe he's been absent from this blog since February!
His current obsession... How to train your Dragon.  He plays with his dragons everyday, and when he's not playing with them, he pretending to be one, or pretending to play with them...  He's just a little obsessed!
At the Las Vegas Zoo.  I'm having a hard time deciding about this zoo, it was so sad and the habitats were a little pathetic, (OK a lot...) but the kids had soooooo much fun! It's hard not to say it was a great place to take them...
My favorite picture from Easter Sunday.  A dear friend and her husband and two darling girls drove through town that weekend.  On their vacation they were stopping at a bunch of temples that were on their way, so we took them over to the Vegas Temple and let the kids run and play for a little while.  I think this is the best picture of our two kiddos! Hopefully in 20 years or so they switch places, I think the boys should be doing the chasing!

Anyway, Our Jonas has grown up too much.  Going to school and primary... And sleeping in a bunk bed!  We are amazed at his big personality, and love the funny things he says.  We Love you Kiddo!