On Thursday, May 19, we were this family...
On Friday, May 20, We became this family...
This is how we got there...
P.S. This is a birth story so feel free to skip it if you don't want to know all the gory details!
Well once again my blood pressure decided to not cooperate, so instead of going into labor on my own and having a June baby, I was induced, and had a May baby. Which is fine. We love August and that's all that matters.
Anyway we were set to arrive at the Hospital at 7:30am, so we shipped the boys off to Grandmas and Grandpas for a sleepover. When we arrived the next morning they got us all checked in and ready to go. At 8:30 The nurse broke my water, and we waited. Nothing happened. So at 1:30, they started the pitocin, and gave me my epidural... (P.S. What a mean Anesthesiologist!)
Then we waited some more... By about 4:00 I was ready to start pushing! Hooray, Because my epidural was not doing it's job!
At 4:30 August made his debut... Weighing in at 8lbs 5oz and 18 inches long. We love every bit of him!
Anyway, the rest of this story is better told by the sweet pictures done by my dear friend Camille... Enjoy!
"You know what music is?
God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars."