Monday, October 8, 2007

Thanksgiving...In Canada!

This was our thanksgiving weekend in all it's glory...

Saturday morning we went out for breakfast. Jonas ate one of Papa Johns pancakes

Then we proceeded to Costco where Papa John bought Jonas a train!! He loves it.
Today we spent the morning playing in the leaves, Jonas was not to thrilled about it but he started enjoying it after a while.

Another crawling update. He is doing it!!! He's doing a great job too! We are so proud of him.


Camille said...

Hooray for the crawling!! Go Jonas! The pictures are so cute- I am jealous that you have fall there!

melissa said...

Oh, my little monkey is crawling!! I'm so excited for him. Too bad he didn't get rolling just a week before. ;) I'm so glad you guys played in the leaves bc that is one of my favorite things to do! Love and miss you guys tons!

melissa said...

Um, sidenote...I just noticed he has very small Crocs in front of him. He only plays in the leaves in those hideous things right? Please do an aunt proud and don't take him out in public in those things! Please!!