I guess I should get back on the blogging train, I'm just feeling super unmotivated these days, and surprisingly Matt being done school doesn't seem to be helping. don't get me wrong I am thrilled he graduated but I think it hasn't quite sunk in yet... Maybe it didn't really happen but these pictures say other wise. I know it's a little late but we are so proud of Matt, he worked so hard!
We spent the weekend hanging out with Matt's family, sans Michael (we missed you!). But Yellowstone was a blast. Who doesn't love a good rotten egg steam bath...
BTW I'm posting this picture only to point out the Asian dude... He was totally taking pictures of my kid, and not even discreetly, it was weird...
After Old Faithful, I think he liked it...
Why is swimming in a hotel pool so much more fun than any other pool? This is what we did while Matt and his Dad fixed the A/C in our new van...
Which I still haven't blogged about, so without further ado, here it is. Thanks again Rob for fixing it, it is heavenly!
Last but not least I'd like to introduce you to the monster. he was hanging out on our window a few nights ago, Matt insisted on catching it and taking pictures. you can't really tell but he's a good 3 inches long. I hate him. He gives me the willies.
Cute pics and congrats to Matt for graduating!! I bet he is relieved! Nasty bug picture, there are nasty critters all over AZ, they tick me off. MISS YOU!
Gross! I can't believe you let him bring that into your house!! Fun stuff glad you finally have A/C in your van at least! Might make Vegas a bit more tolerable when you move!
Mmmm...sulfur does wonders for the skin! That "monster" is disgusting! Please tell me Matt killed it after his photo shoot. "Dwoss" as Jonas would say. We had a blast and miss you guys already. Can't wait to see you again soon! Congrats to Matt for graduating just a shade under a decade!! We really are proud of the hard work you've both put in to his education. Love you guys!
Congrats to Matt! We are so proud of him and of you for your support and patience! We had such a great time with you guys - thanks for letting us come. Love those little guys so much - really hope and pray that you will be closer so that we can see you all more often! Very "dross" monster- yuck, that is why we have a bug man!
CONGRATS MATT!!! That is so awesome! and gross bug, that would totally freak me out!
Ahhh another one bites the dust...you became a minivan mom! And I take it you are moving back to Vegas. That should be fun! You will be slightly closer to visit now! Miss you!
Hey! Congrats matt! I've never been to yellowstone! Looks fun. Hurray for your new van! That's awesome! I want a mini van already. Hope you guys are doing well! Have ou found out where you are going to move??? CA CA CA!
Thanks All!! Renee is exaggerating, the bug was barely over two inches. And I let him go like General Sherman from The Simpsons. And thanks JOE for the van. Although I had to give up my manhood for a while (until I bought my bike) it is AWESOME!!
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