Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The First thing off the Shelf

Well, here I go again being a proud mommy. My morning consists of three things, diapers, breakfast, and playing. Every morning when Jonas gets up I change his extremely sopping wet diaper(I guess 11 hours in a diaper will do that) and then he gets plopped by his toy shelf with a sippy of milk while I go fix him something to eat, and the first things to hit the floor are his books, I know I know it doesn't mean a thing about his intelligence or that he's going to grow up to be a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon or anything like that. I guess I'm just hoping that his love of books will continue to grow. I know how much I love to read and I just hope that he will too!

On another note, there is Love all around!!
For the Hulk...
a Funny Blue Giraffe,
and Beaker.

Last but not least here is Jonas' new crawling method. We call it "Battering Ram". He usually moves a lot faster but by the time we got this clip Matt had made him crawl across the kitchen floor like 5 times so I think he was getting tired. Anyway it's hilarious. The first time he did it he was going full speed and he crashed right into a wall. He was tough though, not a single tear.


Camille said...

SO funny! I love the videos you guys take because you can always hear Matt giggling quietly in the background. I think you may need to strap that construction hat you have on poor Jonas! He's going to love this video when he's older...

Jessie said...

That video is too cute! But you really need one with him going full speed.

Tammy said...

I love that he love books - thanks to you for introducing them to him so young! He is getting too big, he looks like a little boy! Love the Video wish I could see him in person! Come and visit us!

melissa said...

Hahaha! Oh man! He's so funny. Thank you so much for making me chuckle. I always love to see how my favorite little nephew is growing up. You guys make me happy and I really miss you! Maybe I can take a 4 hour detour and come visit on my way home. I wish! single tear.